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Is copper a precious metal?

Is copper a precious metal? Copper is found in our nature and has a versatile function as a material of use. What many people don't know is that copper is actually a precious metal. In other words, it has special properties just like gold and silver, which are two other precious metals. In this article, you will get a closer look at why copper is a precious metal.

Properties of copper metal

There are some distinctive properties of copper and that is also the reason why it is termed as a precious metal. Among other things, it is not attacked by water, oxygen or steam and it is very durable. When copper is combined with tin, the result is the hard material bronze. However, copper is on its own a soft and at the same time elastic metal. This is also the reason why copper is often used for engraving or rolling. Worth mentioning is that copper is also very beneficial in connection with heat conduction and therefore it is often found in utensils for cooking.

Where is the precious metal copper?

This is a metal that is found in nature and often as a mineral. In Sweden, it is mainly copper pyrite, which consists of copper, iron and sulphur. However, it is also possible to find pure copper if the environment has the right conditions.

The most famous place for copper in Sweden is the Falu copper mine , which at one point in history accounted for a large proportion of the entire world's copper production. Today the mine is closed, but it can be visited. In Gällivare is Sweden's largest open-pit mine, and here copper is mined in combination with gold and silver.

Take care of copper

To make copper metal clean, use a soft brush and a gentle washing-up liquid. It is important to dry items thoroughly as moisture can easily discolor copper. You can polish copper items, but it is important to use non-abrasive products.
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