Hur vet man om guld är äkta

How do you know if gold is real?

How do you know if gold is real? All gold that is real has a stamp. The stamp describes the gold content of the gold and it can often be found on the inside of a piece of jewelery or on the clasp of a necklace . Real gold usually also has a strong yellow color. Really real gold is also often shiny and soft. In order to check whether the gold is genuine, there is therefore a stamp that must be on the gold. The stamp proves that the gold meets the requirements to be classified as gold. It is also good to know that gold does not have to be pure to be classified as real gold.

Gold is a soft metal and often the gold is mixed with a harder material. This makes a piece of gold jewelery last longer. If gold is mixed with copper, the gold gets a darker and slightly reddish color. If lighter metals are added instead, it becomes white gold. Palladium and rhodium are the materials added to make it white gold.

Does real gold have to have a stamp?

In Sweden, it is required that gold jewelery weighing more than one gram must have a stamp. The stamp is for a consumer to be able to trust that the gold is genuine. Marking gold in Sweden is a kind of consumer protection that has existed in Sweden for a long time.

Can you bathe with real gold?

Yes, you can bathe with real gold jewelry. Real gold jewelery is very resistant to water. In addition, real gold can withstand chlorine and salt water, there is no risk of discolouration occurring on the gold. However, it is not a good idea to shower with 18 carat gold plating that only covers the surface of the jewelry. Then there is a risk that the jewelery will be damaged. When bathing with gold jewelry, it is always good to remember that there is a risk that they may fall or slip off the body.
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