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Testing jewelry at home: A guide to detecting allergenic metals.

A guide to detecting allergenic metals.

Allergies to metals are common and can cause discomfort and irritation to those who wear jewelry. Knowing which metals cause problems can be crucial in avoiding allergic reactions. Here are some easy ways to test jewelry at home for allergenic metals:

  1. Magnet test:

Use a magnet to test if the jewelry is made of real metal or is magnetic. Pure gold and silver are non-magnetic, while some alloys containing nickel can be magnetic.

  1. Allergy test:

Place the jewelry on a small area of ​​skin, such as the wrist, and wear it for a few hours or overnight. If you experience redness, itching or other allergic reactions, the jewelry may contain allergenic metals.

3 . Jewelry tester:

Invest in a jewelry tester that can measure metals in jewelry. These devices are relatively affordable and can give you quick and reliable results about the jewelry's metal content.

Testing jewelry at home for allergenic metals can help you avoid unpleasant reactions and choose jewelry that is safe for your skin. Remember that if you have severe allergies, it is best to consult an allergy doctor or dermatologist for professional advice.

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