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What is copper?

What is copper? Copper is a red metallic element that has a very good conductivity for heat and electricity. It is a vital metal.

Copper is a metal that is very soft, lively and warm which makes it easy to process. This is why copper is, for example, perfect for making different pieces of jewellery. Copper jewelry is both trendy and unique. There are many different pieces of jewelry that are made of copper, from necklaces to rings . Often, copper jewelry is treated in some way to prevent it from getting the typical green color that copper can get over time. Wax allows the patina to be preserved. An unprotected copper surface oxidizes if there is not a protective layer of, for example, wax. Vara jewelry is made of surgical steel and titanium, therefore they do not oxidize and do not turn green over time.

Copper is a useful metal

Copper has a reasonable weight and acquires a naturally unique patina over time. Copper oxide is formed when copper comes into contact with air and it protects the copper from breaking down. Copper is used for various purposes such as in jewellery, coins, kitchen utensils, weapons and pipes.

Copper is easy to shape

Because of copper's high malleability, copper is often used in the manufacture of electrical applications. In drinking water pipes, copper is used as an alloying agent, which means that there is copper in the drinking water. Copper is a substance that is necessary for the human body to function normally. Copper is also found in other foods such as liver and offal. However, too high a copper content is harmful. It is very rare for people to be copper deficient .

Copper is a heavy metal

Copper is considered a heavy metal because it has a density of 8.92 g/cm3. Copper has atomic number 29 in the periodic table. Approximately since 5000 BC. copper has been used as a utility metal and is often referred to as an ancient metal.

Recycling of copper

Copper can be recycled and used for new products. Copper is a relatively expensive metal compared to other metals. Due to the high scrap price, basically all copper is recycled.
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