Vad är kristall?

What is crystal?

Through a slow, safe crystallization process, crystals are formed. They emerge from the depths of the Earth, displaying a variety of fascinating textures and nuances - with the common denominator that they are enchanting. Peaceful blue? Fire red? All possible colors apply.

How much is crystal worth?

The value of crystal is largely about how big, clear and rare it is. In addition, the price is determined based on demand as well.

Some may be modestly priced, while others may soar to a level where they are almost considered priceless treasures – whether in pastels, earthy tones or other eye-catching hues.

Where does crystal come from?

Crystals come from different parts of the world, not least the rich mines of South America, the mysterious terrain of Asia, the rugged landscape of Africa and the breathtaking depths of Australia. Together, they contribute to increasing both supply and demand in a hot market.

How to make sure it's real crystal?

Determining whether crystal is genuine or not requires understanding its unique properties. This includes physical appearance and weight.

Experts look at the clarity, color and cut, among other things. In that respect, crystal is not entirely unlike other gemstones.

What is typical of crystal?

It depends on who you ask, because metaphysically, crystal is said to have properties that promote physical and emotional well-being.

If nothing else, crystal is known for its beauty, no matter what color it is. Any fun with crystals? That some of them can create a small dose of electricity!

Did you know that…

The largest known crystal yet discovered is a selenite type crystal, named after the Greek moon goddess Selene.

Discovered in the Naica mine in Mexico, this one weighed an astonishing 55 tons and was as long as a school bus.

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