Vad är krysopras?

What is chrysoprase?

Here we're talking about a gem that showcases a range of delicious green hues – ranging from a sort of delicate apple green to a deep, rich emerald tone. Thanks to its green, chrysoprase is said to evoke the adorable beauty of nature - and is also said to call for joy and optimism.

How much is chrysoprase worth?

As with a handful, or rather several hands full, of precious stones, the value of chrysoprase depends on several factors. These include colour, clarity and size.

Smaller, opaque stones may cost less. Larger and more high-quality stones with particular color saturation can skyrocket in price, whether you want to collect or wear them.

Where does chrysoprase come from?

It is difficult to pinpoint a specific location, as finds have been made in everything from Australia and Russia to Brazil, the United States and Poland. However, chrysoprase is sought after in large parts of the world, not least because basically every variety has special properties and appearances.

What is typical of chrysoprase?

As previously mentioned, chrysoprase is known for its green color. The stone also has a unique geological design, which contributes to giving it the green color that is so characteristic of it.

How to make sure it's real chrysoprase?

If you are an expert on hardness and the Mohs scale, you will find joy in the fact that chrysoprase is between 6.5 and 7. This means that it is resistant. However, it can always be wise to take the stone to a gemmologist so that he or she can ensure its authenticity.

Want to watch for yourself? Then look for an even, green colour. If the stone looks different in some places, it may not be genuine.

Did you know that…

Ancient peoples, including the Greeks and Romans, highly valued chrysoprase for its purported healing properties. It was believed to promote love, fidelity and compassion.

Chrysoprase is often referred to as the "Stone of Venus", due to its association with love and positivity, further accentuating its historical and cultural significance.

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