Vad är obsidian?

What is obsidian?

Obsidian is a naturally occurring glassy stone, created when lava from a volcano cools rapidly with minimal crystal growth. The rapid cooling process gives us a smooth, glossy and often black stone - and a fantastically beautiful one at that.

How much is obsidian worth?

Although obsidian is commonly known for its deep black color, it can also occur in other shades, such as brown, gray and green.

It all depends on the presence of impurities and trace elements during the formation. Based on this, the value of obsidian varies greatly, as it is about both the color and the transparency, but also any unique patterns.

The price can vary from a couple of dollars to several hundred dollars per kilo.

Where does obsidian come from?

Look at areas with a history of volcanic activity. There you can find obsidian. Some of these are the United States, Mexico, Japan and parts of South America.

How to tell that it is real obsidian?

An easy way to test for authenticity is by placing the obsidian under a strong light source and looking for any air bubbles or inclusions.

Genuine obsidian should appear as a homogeneous material with no trapped gas bubbles or other visible impurities.

What is typical of obsidian?

Renowned for its smooth texture and glassy appearance, obsidian often breaks in a way that produces smooth, curved surfaces - similar to the inside of seashells.

Combined with its sharp edges when broken, it has historically served as a material for making tools and weapons.

Did you know that…

The Aztecs used obsidian to make mirrors, thanks to its reflective properties.

As for metaphysical practitioners, they believe that obsidian has the ability to drain negative energy and promote emotional healing.

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