Vad är smaragd?

What is emerald?

An emerald is a gemstone with a fascinating green hue. For centuries it has been sought after and loved, capturing the hearts of many with its intense color – ranging from the soothing green of a glorious spring day to forest shades of rare depth.

How much is an emerald worth?

The value of an emerald is determined by several factors. This includes the color, clarity, cut and carat weight.

Generally speaking, the deeper and more vivid the green, the more valuable the emerald.

Whether there is a shortage and where the emerald comes from is also decisive when the value and thus the price is set.

How do you know if it's a real emerald?

It is not simple to know and requires a sharp eye. Among other things, you need to look for natural flaws in the stone.

One may also want certification from recognized and established laboratories to ensure that the emerald is genuine.

Are emeralds expensive?

Emeralds are among the more expensive gemstones, thanks in large part to how rare they are but also to the careful craftsmanship that goes into making the beauty just shine through.

You can compare the value of the emerald with that of the diamond, not least when the green color is the most captivating and clear.

What does an emerald symbolize?

Emeralds are said to symbolize renewal, growth and vitality and have long characterized rebirth and eternal youth, not least thanks to their green color.

Throughout history, the emerald has also symbolized wisdom, foresight and intuition.

Did you know that…

The emerald was Queen Cleopatra's favorite gemstone. She was known to wear emerald jewelry.

Ancient civilizations such as the Incas and Aztecs revered emeralds and saw them as sacred gems with mystical powers.

It is also worth mentioning that the word emerald comes from the Greek "smaragds", which means "green pearl".

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