Vad är tsavorit?

What is tsavorit?

Tsavorite is a rare gemstone, which shines in dazzling shades of green. Named after Tsavo National Park in Kenya, where it was first discovered in 1967, it is prized for its intense color – not unlike an emerald in deep forest green or pleasant grass green.

How much is tsavorite worth?

The value of a tsavorite varies depending on color, clarity, carat weight and cut - so not completely different from other precious stones. Top quality tsavorite can fetch prices on par with emeralds.

Where does spinel come from?

Tsavorite comes mainly from East African countries such as Kenya and Tanzania, but finds have also been made in Madagascar and Pakistan.

The latter notwithstanding - the most sought-after stones still come from the mineral-rich landscapes of East Africa. Their intense shades and special clarity are formed there naturally.

How to tell that it is real tsavorit?

A certified and trained gemmologist can help you here. He or she will look at the refractive index, weight and pattern.

The gemstone's color, clarity, and transparency also give an indication of the value of your tsavorite.

What is typical of tsavorite?

Tsavorite is durable and its beauty remains intact even with normal wear and tear. In addition, its high refractive index contributes to the brilliance being almost exceptional. Visually appealing is just the first name. Of course, the green color is also typical for tsavorite.

Did you know that…

In 2018, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC unveiled the so-called "Green jewel" necklace. In the center? A whopping 325 carats of tsavorite.

Tsavorite is often associated with growth, renewal and harmony, and is believed to promote prosperity, vitality and emotional stability.

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