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Which countries have copper?

Which countries have copper? Copper is considered one of the most valuable metals. It has been that way for a long time. It is not surprising considering that copper has been and continues to be an important component of human technology. Copper has high electrical and thermal conductivity and high durability. It is used in everything from electrical components to building materials. Copper is an indispensable resource for the global economy. For these reasons, it is a highly sought after resource.

Countries that are world leaders in copper production

There is copper in many of the countries of the earth. However, production is dominated by a few countries that produce more copper than all others. Chile is by far the largest, with production amounting to around 28% of total global copper production. The country has the world's largest copper mine, Escondida.

China comes in second place. Other countries that are big in copper production include Peru, USA, Australia and Congo-Kinshasa. Each country has its own unique reserves and methods of extraction, resulting in varying production numbers and quality of the copper extracted.

The countries that produce the most copper in the world:

1. Chile
2. China
3. Peru
4. United States
5. Congo-Kinshasa
6. Australia
7. Russia
8. Zambia
9. Canada
10. Mexico
11. Kazakhstan
12. Poland
13. Indonesia

Copper is of great importance to global industry

Copper is probably best known for being an important component in electronics, however it has many other uses. Copper pipes, for example, are often used in the construction industry for water supply and in the heating industry. In addition, the metal is used in the automotive industry, not least in electric cars, where it is an important component in engines, batteries and charging infrastructure.

Copper also plays an important role in renewable energy sources. In solar panels, it is used to transmit the electricity generated by the solar cells. In wind turbines, copper is used in the generators that convert wind energy into electricity. Finally, of course, copper is sometimes also used for its aesthetic qualities, not least in jewellery , decorations and works of art.
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