The Journal

Tipps på hur du kan fira morsdag.

Tips on how you can celebrate Mother's Day.

Here are tips on how to celebrate Mother's Day and different ways to make your mother extra special on this day. Susanna Falken offers ideas such as picnics, homemade gifts,...

Tips on how you can celebrate Mother's Day.

Here are tips on how to celebrate Mother's Day and different ways to make your mother extra special on this day. Susanna Falken offers ideas such as picnics, homemade gifts,...

Bild på liggande tjej med smycken från Susanna Falken Jewellery

Spring clean your jewelry!

Surgical steel and titanium are two popular materials used to make jewelry because of their durability, and hypoallergenic properties. However, as with all jewellery, they need to be cared for...

Spring clean your jewelry!

Surgical steel and titanium are two popular materials used to make jewelry because of their durability, and hypoallergenic properties. However, as with all jewellery, they need to be cared for...

Vad ska man tänka på om man precis har tagit ny hål?

What should you think about if you have just ha...

When you've just gotten your ears pierced, it's important to take good care of them to avoid infection and to allow them to heal properly. Here are some things to...

What should you think about if you have just ha...

When you've just gotten your ears pierced, it's important to take good care of them to avoid infection and to allow them to heal properly. Here are some things to...

Rätt skötsel och materialval för nytagna hål i öronen – en guide för föräldrar

Correct care and material selection for newly p...

Caring for newly pierced ears, especially for children, can be a challenge for many parents. But with proper care and the use of the best materials, infections and other complications...

Correct care and material selection for newly p...

Caring for newly pierced ears, especially for children, can be a challenge for many parents. But with proper care and the use of the best materials, infections and other complications...


Mother's Day

Mother's Day Mother's Day is an opportunity to pay extra attention to your mother. In Sweden, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May every year, but in...

Mother's Day

Mother's Day Mother's Day is an opportunity to pay extra attention to your mother. In Sweden, Mother's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May every year, but in...

Smycken i kärlekens tecken

Jewelry in the sign of love

Give your loved one a special gift in the form of a carefully crafted piece of jewelry from a complete Valentine's Day collection. The perfect gift in the sign of...

Jewelry in the sign of love

Give your loved one a special gift in the form of a carefully crafted piece of jewelry from a complete Valentine's Day collection. The perfect gift in the sign of...