The Journal

Vad är kristall?

What is crystal?

Through a slow, safe crystallization process, crystals are formed. They emerge from the depths of the Earth, displaying a variety of fascinating textures and nuances - with the common denominator...

What is crystal?

Through a slow, safe crystallization process, crystals are formed. They emerge from the depths of the Earth, displaying a variety of fascinating textures and nuances - with the common denominator...

Vad är korall?

What is coral?

Scientifically, it is known as "corallium rubrum" - but we know it best as coral. It is a unique species, highly valued for its beauty, for its symbolic meaning, and...

What is coral?

Scientifically, it is known as "corallium rubrum" - but we know it best as coral. It is a unique species, highly valued for its beauty, for its symbolic meaning, and...

Vad är jade?

What is jade?

What do you get if you mix the two minerals jadeite and nephrite? Well, something desirable, beautiful and timeless, namely jade. The stone has been appreciated both for its appearance...

What is jade?

What do you get if you mix the two minerals jadeite and nephrite? Well, something desirable, beautiful and timeless, namely jade. The stone has been appreciated both for its appearance...

Vad är hematit?

What is hematite?

Hematite shines with a distinctive metallic luster and has long been admired for its unique composition and attractive appearance. The name comes from the Greek "haima", which means blood. This...

What is hematite?

Hematite shines with a distinctive metallic luster and has long been admired for its unique composition and attractive appearance. The name comes from the Greek "haima", which means blood. This...

Vad är granat?

What is garnet?

You may be wondering what kind of stone garnet is - and the answer is that people throughout the ages have been dazzled by its brilliance and beauty. It is...

What is garnet?

You may be wondering what kind of stone garnet is - and the answer is that people throughout the ages have been dazzled by its brilliance and beauty. It is...

Vad är diamant?

What is diamond?

Throughout time, people have been enchanted by a particular precious stone, namely diamond. The diamond symbolizes timelessness, beauty and is sought after worldwide, not least for its brilliance and durability....

What is diamond?

Throughout time, people have been enchanted by a particular precious stone, namely diamond. The diamond symbolizes timelessness, beauty and is sought after worldwide, not least for its brilliance and durability....